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Traveling for surgery – good for the surgeon, not for you

Get the best orthopedic care, closer to home

No matter what, traveling for orthopedic surgery adds unnecessary stress and potential complications to what is already an overwhelming situation. When you receive surgical care close to home in Dickinson County instead of driving to another location like Green Bay or Marquette, you can get all of the excellent care you need close to home. Next time you need to get orthopedic surgery, consider finding a doctor right here at MCHS – Dickinson who is here to help you heal faster.

Excellent orthopedic surgery is right in town.
MCHS – Dickinson is home to the largest orthopedic and physical therapy team in the area. With skilled board-certified surgeons, the full team specializes in healing knees, hips, feet and more. From the receptionist at the front desk to the nursing staff to the surgical teams, MCHS – Dickinson providers are passionate about making sure you have a great patient experience – each step of the way.

When you find care close to home, you are not a number… you are a neighbor.
When you travel to a large health care system for surgery, you turn into Patient X on a busy surgeon’s checklist. At a smaller, community hospital like MCHS – Dickinson, the people caring for you are your neighbors and friends. Plus, you can work with the same team throughout the entire process – from initial consultations through recovery. Your primary care doctor and surgical team are all on the same page with the same goal of getting you healed.

When you find care close to home, you don’t have to sacrifice your time, money and comfort.
Long distance travel before, and especially after, orthopedic surgery is uncomfortable for the patient. Not only that, traveling for surgery means having to pay for gas and car maintenance, spending multiple nights in a hotel room and having to buy food from restaurants.

Sarah Venditti, MD at the Orthopedic Practice at Dickinson – Marshfield Medical Center, says, “Having to get in the car and drive just days (or sometimes hours) after a surgery can be uncomfortable for the patient and add risk of complications. Not only that, you have to spend a significant amount of money on travel costs alone. When you have surgery at MCHS – Dickinson, our team works with your primary care doctor to support you through the entire process. While we know traveling to see a specialist can sometimes be unavoidable, we are happy to work with our patients during that process to provide support and help them heal once they return.”

When you find care close to home, you are closer to the people who care for you.
Having surgery close to home means having better access to more of your loved ones who can visit you during your recovery. Instead of being away from home, both you and your support system will have immediate access to the people you need to help you heal.

Consider Marshfield Clinic – Dickinson for your next orthopedic surgery. Call (906) 776-5250 for more information or to make an appointment.

Sarah Venditti, MD, is a member of the area’s largest orthopedic and physical therapy team at MCHS – Dickinson. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and board-certified in orthopedic surgery, Venditti specializes in hand and wrist surgery, hip and knee replacement surgery, fracture care and shoulder and upper arm surgery. Venditti practices at the Orthopedic Practice at Dickinson – Marshfield Medical Center in Iron Mountain.